Complete your Monthly Declaration to receive your payments
JK Monthly declaration – lodged through ATO on-line services. This is what triggers the JK payments, if you don’t lodge the monthly report, you may not get paid. (available 4th May). April report must be lodged by 31st May
Required information may include:
- A list of all eligible employees, Name, address, TFN, Date of Birth, JK Status, which fortnight’s they’re eligible for,
- Details of Eligible Business Participants, Name, TFN, Date of Birth, fortnight of JK commencement, which fortnights they’re eligible for (Note: EBP does not have to be paid the JK amounts – the entity will receive the subsidy)
- Confirmation of number of employees still eligible for JK Subsidy
- Must be Currently Employed
- Not a 16 or 17 year old financially dependent student (change from 26th April onwards)
- Has not changed their circumstances (change may require new Employee Nomination form)
- Must not be on Govt PPL, Govt D&P pay, full workers comp
- Must have been paid for the fortnight (substitute month where appropriate)
- GST Turnover for the previous month, sales not including input taxed sales eg interest or residential rent (does not relate to your Decline in Turnover Test)
- Projected GST turnover for following month
- Bank account details
- Declaration that your business is still eligible for the JK Subsidy